La Cecla

Franco La Cecla, anthropologist and urban planner, has taught Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Venice, Verona, Palermo, Milan, Barcelona and Lausanne. He has been Visiting professor at the EHESS, Paris’ School of Higher Studies in Social Science. He has been a consultant to the Renzo Piano Building Workshop and to Barcelona Regional. He has founded the agency ASIA-Architecture Social Impact Assessment for the evaluation of the social impact of architectural works and urban planning. La Cecla has authored a number of documentaries on Italian emigration; one of those, In altro mare, has won the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival in 2010. He has also worked at designing festivals and organizing exhibitions. He is a regular contributes the newsdailies ‘La Repubblica,’ ‘Avvenire,’ and ‘Il Sole-24 Ore.’ His books include: Mente locale (1993), Saperci fare (2009), Modi bruschi (2010), all published by elèuthera. Also, Perdersi (Laterza 2005); Surrogati di presenza (B. Mondadori 2006); Contro l'Architettura (Bollati Boringhieri 2008); Lasciami (Ponte alle Grazie 2009); Il punto G dell’uomo. Desiderio al maschile (Nottetempo 2011).

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