
Lella Costa has worked in theatre, cinema, radio and television. She made her debut in 1987 with Adlib, which was followed by Un’altra storia (1998), Precise Parole (2000) and Traviata (2002) directed by Gabriele Vacis; Femminile e singolare. Vedi alla voce poetessa (2010); Alice, una meraviglia di Paese (2005), Amleto (2007), Ragazze, nelle lande scoperchiate del fuori (2009), Arie (2011) e Casomai senza un saluto (2013) directed by Giorgio Gallione. The texts of her theatre plays are included in La daga nel loden (1992), Che faccia fare (1998), In tournée (2002) and Amleto, Alice e la Traviata (2008), published by Feltrinelli. She works for tv, cinema and radio, and has authored La sindrome di Gertrude. Quasi un’autobiografia (with A. Càsoli, Rizzoli, 2009); Come una specie di sorriso (Piemme, 2012). She took part in the tournée Ferite a morte with Serena Dandini and now she is acting in the show Nuda proprietà by Lidia Ravera.

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