‘To be’. History of a verb, between linguistics and philosophy

9 Andrea Moro

‘To be’. History of a verb, between linguistics and philosophy

€ 3.00
Saturday 29 May 2010 4:00 pm
Sala Maggiore Palazzo Comunale 2

The history of the interpretation of the verb ‘to be’, which is as old as Western thinking on human language starting from Aristotle’s early works, will be the fil rouge of this talk on language and evolution, and more generally on the nature and structure of human mind. In this story, philosophy, metaphysics, logics and mathematics are closely intertwined.
Starting from classical Greece, Prof. Moro will touch upon logics contests in the Middle Ages, the revolutions of the century of geniuses, and the role played by linguistics in the progress of neurosciences in the 20th century. Moro, who is among the key representatives of this field of research, will raise new questions regarding the relationship between language and the brain.




Andrea Moro (1962) holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Padua University and has obtained a Diplôme d'études supérieures en théorie de la syntaxe et syntaxe comparative from Geneva University. He was often a visiting scientist at MIT and at Harvard University. He now teaches linguistics at the department of Psychology of Milan’s Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, that he founded together with others. His chief fields of research are the theory of syntax in human languages, and the neurobiological foundations of language. His many books include: The Raising of Predicates (Cambridge U. Press, 1997); Dynamic Antisymmetry (The MIT Press, 2000); I confini di Babele. Il cervello e il mistero delle lingue impossibili (Longanesi, 2006; MIT Press, 2008); Breve storia del verbo essere (Adelphi, 2010).

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