
Renato Kizito Sesana is a Comboni missionary, journalist and author. He began working as a missionary in Zambia, and later in Nairobi, Kenya, where he started the Koinonia lay community, and is a founding member of the non-profit association, Amani NGO. He was editor of the Italian magazine Nigrizia in the 1970s, and founder-managing editor of the magazine New People in Nairobi and the Catholic radio station Waumini. He works in particular with street children and young people in Kenya and Zambia, and has for years worked with the Nuba people of Sudan’s eponymous mountain region, who are still victims of genocide at the hands of today’s regime in Khartoum. In 2012 he won the Peace Prize of the Lombardy Region. His publications include La perla nera (with S. Girola, Paoline, 2002), I Am a Nuba (2006), Shikò Una Bambina di strada (Sperling & Kupfer, 2006) and Tutti i cuori del mondo (E. Missionaria Italiana, 2013).

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