The game of hospitality
€ 3.00Turning our attention to places and times where people play in public spaces in Italy, today allows us to gain access to a unique observatory from which to discover some of the current trends in increasingly heterogeneous contexts like those in our country. In this sense, the places and times for play unfortunately illustrate that old and new forms of exclusion are still present today. But in other cases, they can reveal unexpected opportunities for encounters, where play can become a shared space of expression, as well as a daily opportunity to take joint care of public places and goods. Parks, playing fields, school courtyards can become stimulating educational contexts where one can experiment new, shared belonging, independently from one’s background and reciprocal prejudices.
Davide Zoletto is an associate professor of general education at the University of Udine. He is a member of the editorial staff on the magazine aut aut. His most recent publications include La scuola dei giochi (with P. Aldo Rovatti, 2005, Bompiani); Straniero in classe. Una pedagogia dell'ospitalità (2007), Il gioco duro dell’integrazione. L’intercultura sui campi da gioco (2010) published by Raffaello Cortina Editore; Pedagogia e studi culturali. La formazione tra critica postcoloniale e flussi culturali transnazionali (ETS, 2011), Bibbia e intercultura (Claudiana, 2011); and Dall’intercultura ai contesti eterogenei. Presupposti teorici e ambiti di ricerca pedagogica (Franco Angeli, 2012). For publisher Raffaello Cortina he also edited the volumes by Gregory Bateson Questo è un gioco. Perché non si può mai dire a qualcuno “Gioca!” (1996) and L’umorismo della comunicazione umana (2006).
Davide Zoletto & i Dialoghi
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