Forgiveness: a gift that gives nothing but returns everything

4 Laura Boella Gherardo Colombo

Forgiveness: a gift that gives nothing but returns everything

€ 3.00
Friday 25 May 2012 9:15 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

Forgiveness is one of the thorniest dilemmas of contemporary ethics. It is invoked with regard to offences, wrongs, individual misdeed, but often also to the evil perpetrated in the name of an idea of civilization, of a totalitarian ideology, of a religious faith, and even in legal matters. The etymology of the word ‘forgiveness’ in Italian is connected with the idea of renouncing, for instance one’s rights, or excusing something. But the term is also associated to the notion of disinterested, unconditional giving—a giving which gives nothing but returns or restores everything. The essence of forgiveness is restoring the ability to act to someone who would otherwise remain forever entrapped in the deed performed: this someone is thus offered a chance to become something different from his past misdeed. So forgiveness really means that no-one can even be reduced to the sum of his or her failures. Forgiving thus not only means rebuilding a relationship that the offense destroyed, but also restarting life’s game for the other.




Laura Boella teaches Moral Philosophy and Environmental Ethics at the Department of Philosophy in the State University of Milan. She has dedicated numerous studies to female thought in the 1900s, with a particular focus on Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, María Zambrano and Edith Stein. Her books Il coraggio dell’etica. Per una nuova immaginazione morale (Raffaello Cortina, 2012) and Le imperdonabili. Milena Jesenská, Etty Hillesum, Marina Cvetaeva, Cristina Campo (Mimesis, 2013) explore the contributions of these thinkers and of several writers of contemporary ethics. She later developed the theme of intersubjective relationships, of empathy and sympathy, proposing a critical comparison between the present scientific research and a phenomenological perspective. She has written about this in Sentire l’altro. Conoscere e praticare l’empatia (2006); Neuroetica. La morale prima della morale (2008); and Empatie. L’esperienza empatica nella società del conflitto (2018) for publisher Raffaello Cortina.

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Gherardo Colombo is a retired judge, has led a number of major investigations by the Italian authorities on organized crime, corruption, terrorism and mafia. He is vice-president of Garzanti Publishers. His books include: Il vizio della memoria (Feltrinelli, 1998); Sulle regole (Feltrinelli, 2008); Sei Stato tu? La Costituzione attraverso le domande dei bambini (with A. Sarfatti, Salani, 2009); Democrazia (Bollati Boringhieri, 2011); Educare alla legalità (Salani, 2011); Il perdono responsabile (Ponte alle Grazie, 2011); Farla Franca (with Franco Marzoli, Longanesi, 2012).

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