Between the wilderness and the world. The places of Jesus of Nazareth

9 Gabriella Caramore

Between the wilderness and the world. The places of Jesus of Nazareth

€ 3.00
Saturday 25 May 2013 12:00 noon e 5:00 pm
Sala Maggiore Palazzo Comunale 2


Throughout the Scriptures, geography plays a decisive symbolic role. It is on top of a high mountain that Moses receives the “ten words”, and in order to obtain freedom from slavery, the people of Israel have to cross a desert. Also in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, a few symbolic places tell us about the adventure of his Word among men and the toil of cutting a path through the noise of the world. It is in the wilderness that Jesus’ weakness and strength are put to the test of temptation, and it is there that he finds a space for silence and prayer. It is along the roads of Galilee that he meets abandoned crowds in search of hope. Jesus teaches, proclaims and warns as he walks across the country, climbs hills, wades across a river and walks on the sea. Eventually, he arrives in the great city where his fate will be sealed, and upon reaching the Golgotha—the “place of the skull”—he experiences the desert again when he feels abandoned by men and by God. Yet there is no single place, not even death, that can ever imprison the Word.





Gabriella Caramore is an essayist and radio producer. For many years she has been the presenter of Uomini e Profeti, a weekly radio program on religious culture, broadcast on RAI’s channel 3, which cyclically features systematic readings and Bible commentaries. Caramore, who has taught Religion and Communication at the University of Rome La Sapienza, is also the editor of a book series on spirituality published by Morcelliana press. She has edited the Italian versions of a number of great works: G. Lukács (Diario 1910-11, Adelphi 1983), V. Segalen (Il doppio Rimbaud, Archinto 1990), Y. Bonnefoy (L’impossibile e la libertà, Marietti, 1988; Entroterra, Donzelli, 2004; Rimbaud, Donzelli, 2010), S. Kierkegaard (Memorie di un seduttore, Rizzoli, 2009), G. Zagrebelsky (Giuda. Il tradimento fedele, Einaudi, 2011). Her own books include: La fatica della luce (2008), Nessuno ha mai visto Dio (2012), Come un bambino (2013), all three published by Morcelliana; also, Il sogno è potenza di realtà (Aliberti 2010) and Le domande dell’uomo (with M. Ciampa, La Scuola 2013). 

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