Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury, a creative revolution

6 Nadia Fusini

Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury, a creative revolution

€ 3.00
Saturday 26 May 2018 10:30 am SPOSTATO A
teatro Manzoni 3

Society is the happiness of life. Shakespeare’s words perfectly describe the value and the meaning attributed to the idea of “community” by the Bloomsbury Group, comprising Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, Clive Bell, Roger Fry, Leonard Woolf, Thoby Stephen, J.M. Keynes and Lytton Strachey, to name a few. The Bloomsbury set catapulted themselves out of the Victorian age, opposing the exaltation of bourgeois egotism and social conformism with the creative value of those who have discovered strength in community and utopia to create new forms of knowledge and ways of living. As a group, these young women and men reinvented their lives in total intellectual and sexual freedom, disdaining tired and stagnant social codes. Their credo was one of the most daring of the 1900s and today still provides inspiration to recapture a deep sense of individual freedom. And of common good.




Fusini, a writer, critic, translator, teacher and expert on Elizabethan theatre, has translated and commented texts by Shakespeare, Mary Shelley, Henry James, John Keats and Wallace Stevens. She has written about Kafka, Beckett and Bacon. She has published extensively on issues of female identity: La luminosa. Genealogia di Fedra (Feltrinelli, 1990); Donne fatali. Ofelia, Desdemona e Cleopatra (Bulzoni, 2005); and Nomi. Undici scritture femminili (Donzelli, 2012). She curated two volumes on Virginia Woolf for the Meridiani series published by Mondadori (2006) and has written the following biographies: Possiedo la mia anima. Il segreto di Virginia Woolf (2006), Di vita si muore. Lo spettacolo delle passioni nel teatro di Shakespeare (2010) and La figlia del sole. Vita ardente di Katherine Mansfield (2012). Her other works include: Hannah e le altre (2013); Vivere nelle tempesta (2016) for the publisher Einaudi and her latest book is Una fratellanza inquieta. Donne e uomini di oggi (Donzelli, 2018).

Nadia Fusini & i Dialoghi

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