Towards the infinitesimally tiny, and beyond

8 Marco Malvaldi

Towards the infinitesimally tiny, and beyond

€ 3.00
Saturday 26 May 2018 12:00 noon
piazza del Duomo 1

A path exploring creativity combining science and literature. Jean Perrin, the physicist who proved the existence of the atom, described chemistry as the art of explaining a complicated visible object by an invisible simple one, atoms for example. Atoms, then, are nothing more than the letters of this particular language, coming together to form words (molecules) and sentences (chemical reactions, molecular transformation and bonding). The way in which a chemist thinks is not so very different to that of a poet: starting from a natural universal phenomenon, which is incomprehensible when analysed only in terms of what can be seen, they attempt to find an explanation in the combinations of these miniscule blocks, these Lego bricks, which cannot be seen or touched. Just as a poet is able to cause suffering with two or three verses, without the need to resort to physical means, simply by passing through our minds.




Marco Malvaldi was born in Pisa in 1974. After obtaining a degree in Chemistry at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa and studies at the Conservatory, he focused on becoming an opera singer. He soon returned to scientific research as a chemist, publishing dozens of works on physical chemistry, with sporadic deviations into arguments such as the thermodynamic statistics of football. In the meantime, he began to write detective stories and has now published over ten novels that have enjoyed extraordinary success: Game for Five (2007); Three-Card Monte (2008); Il re dei giochi (2010); The Art of Killing Well (2011); La carta più alta e Milioni di milioni (2012); Argento vivo (2013); Il telefono senza fili (2014); Buchi nella sabbia (2015); La battaglia navale (2016); and Negli occhi di chi guarda (2017), all for the publisher Sellerio. He has also published the essay L’architetto dell’invisibile ovvero come pensa un chimico (Raffaello Cortina, 2017).

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