Breaking the rules: now useful in politics…

25 Moni Ovadia

Breaking the rules: now useful in politics…

€ 3.00
Sunday 27 May 2018 6:30 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

We live at a time of endless changes that are altering the way our democracy works and affecting society, the economy and communications. The recession and growing migratory flows have highlighted the pressures on the political system and the effects are obvious. We are seeing a reversal of values, our trust has been “disenfranchised”. Today what counts is breaking the rules. Cancelling the past. And the future too. The “people’s democracy” has been replaced by a “media/immediate democracy”, which uses the web to challenge and disturb any form of mediation, eroding trust in the mediators. We are watching the establishment of anti-politics while “representative democracy” is up for discussion. However, this lack of trust compromises personal relations and social mediation too, weakening and delegitimising political parties and fraying the fabric of society. In this way, it is hard to “change” because regaining “well-being” requires having trust in others.




Moni Ovadia, a writer and performer, was born in Bulgaria and studied in Milan, where he began his activity as a musician and singer. In 1984 he began his stage career under the direction of T. Kantor, F. Parenti, G. Marini. From 2004 to 2008 he was Director of the Mittelfest festival. Well known for his long-standing commitment in favor of peace and human rights, Moni Ovadia has authored a number of books: L’ebreo che ride (1998); Ballata di fine millennio (2000); Contro l’idolatria e Oylem Goylem (2005); Lavoratori di tutto il mondo, ridete (2007); Vai a te stesso (2008); Il conto dell’Ultima Cena (2010); Madre Dignità (2012) per Einaudi; Il coniglio di Hitler e il cilindro del demagogo (2016); Perchè no? L’ebreo corrosivo (2017) per La nave di Teseo. He is credited with familiarizing the Italian audience with the uniqueness of Yiddish culture.

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