
Pier Aldo Rovatti, professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Trieste, has edited the magazine aut aut since the 1970s, a publication that has regularly covered the subject of play, also in some special instalments. In 2014, Rovatti created the Scuola di filosofia in Trieste, a focal point for the Contemporary Philosophy Laboratory he founded in Trieste decades ago.

Since the publication of Il pensiero debole (Feltrinelli, 1983, reprinted several times and translated in various languages - in English entitled Weak Thought) together with Gianni Vattimo, Rovatti has stressed the philosophical and political importance of play, linking it paradox, writing and irony as well as relating it to psychoanalysis and psychiatry.

His books include L’elogio del silenzio (1992), Il paiolo bucato (1998), Abitare la distanza (2007), published by Cortina; and Restituire la soggettività. Lezioni su Franco Basaglia (AlphaBeta, 2013).

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