The environment - a common good for future generations

7 Salvatore Settis

The environment - a common good for future generations

€ 3.00
Saturday 26 May 2012 12:00 noon
piazza del Duomo 1

Environmental protection was proclaimed by some important verdicts by Italian courts as a primary and absolute value resulting from the combination of two articles of the Constitution of Italy: Art. 9 concerning landscape protection, and Art. 32 concerning the citizens’ right to health as individuals and as community. Both articles belong to the fundamental principles of the Italian state. They define a boundary that can and should become the bulwark of a strenuous defense of Italy’s environment and its landscape. These principles are also connected to two important notions—the rights of future generations and what we call ‘community of life’—that still echo certain time-honored ethical, philosophical and legal ideas such as ‘common good’ and publica utilitas. Not only the legal protection of the environment, bur more importantly, our responsibility as citizens fall under the rubric of ‘common good’.




Salvatore Settis has served as the Director of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa as well as the President of the Cultural Heritage Board. He was a Warburg Professor at Hamburg University, gave the Isaiah Berlin Lectures in Oxford and the Mellon Lectures at the National Gallery in Washington, as well as holding the Chair of the Prado Museum in Madrid and the Borromini Chair at the Università della Svizzera Italiana. Since 2010, he has been Chairman of the Louvre Museum’s Scientific Advisory Council. His studies cover topics relating to ancient and post-ancient art history, as well cultural policies and trends. His most recent books include: Paesaggio Costituzione cemento (2010); Azione popolare. Cittadini per il bene comune (2012), If Venice Dies (2014), Costituzione! Perché attuarla è meglio che cambiarla (2016) and Architettura e democrazia (2017) all published by Einaudi; and The skies of Europe. Culture, creativity and equality (UTET, Dialogues on Man, 2017).

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