Non-spaces twenty years later

14 Marc Augé

Non-spaces twenty years later

€ 3.00
Saturday 23 May 2015 9:15 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

Non-spaces are those increasingly numerous, anonymous spaces frequented the world over (supermarkets, stations, airports, etc.), which Marc Augé first defined 20 years ago, so cleverly that the term is now part of our lexicon and is used to describe our very lives. What are non-places now like after two decades of mass globalisation? Architects today can choose one of two paths. Some work on the housing emergency, on the need to build or rebuild. Others work on spaces dedicated to communication and consumption – the non-spaces – that comprise the dominant landscapes of our new world, imagined as a shared space whose histories lack neither time nor beauty. Today, every day we seek to create new places and new ties, but our increasingly global context is represented by the non-spaces, namely the spaces of communication.




Marc Augé, one of the world’s leading ethnologists and anthropologists, has been directeur d’études and chairman of EHESS, Paris’ School of Higher Studies in Social Science. His background is in African studies, but he has spent a long time researching in Latin America as well as in Paris and in other regions of France. Augé is well known for introducing the notion of non-places. Many of his books are published in Italian. They include: Nonluoghi (2009), Che fine ha fatto il futuro? (2009), Un etnologo nel métro (2010), Ville e tenute (2011), all published by elèuthera; Disneyland e altri nonluoghi (1999); Il senso degli altri. Attualità dell’antropologia (2000); Finzioni di fine secolo (2001); Diario di guerra (2002); Rovine e macerie. Il senso del tempo (2004); Il mestiere dell’antropologo (2007); Genio del paganesimo (2008); Il bello della bicicletta (2009); Straniero a me stesso. Tutte le mie vite di etnologo (2011), Le nuove paure. Che cosa temiamo oggi? (2013) all published by Bollati Boringhieri.  Il tempo senza età. La vecchiaia non esiste (2014), L’antropologo e il mondo globale (2014) published by Raffaello Cortina; La forza delle immagini (con Umberto Eco e Didi-Huberman Georges, 2015) by Franco Angeli.

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