When the Body Talks

12 Marc Augé

When the Body Talks

€ 3.00
Saturday 28 May 2011 9:00 pm
piazza del Duomo 1

How many different ways are there to say the ‘body’? Every culture builds and interprets the body according to its own norms. How do Africans, for instance, think of the body? And what role does the body play in contemporary Western societies? Drawing on his decade-long ethnological work, Marc Augé will lead us along a path groping from his study of West African populations that practice rituals of possession to present-day perceptions of the body in the West. But what body? The body turned public, the body as displayed in public ceremonies, the bodies of actors on stage, the funeral body, or bodies in front of a camera in our society, where appearing, i.e. displaying one’s body, is more and more crucial—in politics and not only—as the cult of the body gains increasing importance.




Marc Augé, one of the world’s leading ethnologists and anthropologists, has been directeur d’études and chairman of EHESS, Paris’ School of Higher Studies in Social Science. His background is in African studies, but he has spent a long time researching in Latin America as well as in Paris and in other regions of France. Augé is well known for introducing the notion of non-places. Many of his books are published in Italian. They include: Nonluoghi (2009), Che fine ha fatto il futuro? (2009), Un etnologo nel métro (2010), Ville e tenute (2011), all published by elèuthera; Disneyland e altri nonluoghi (1999); Il senso degli altri. Attualità dell’antropologia (2000); Finzioni di fine secolo (2001); Diario di guerra (2002); Rovine e macerie. Il senso del tempo (2004); Il mestiere dell’antropologo (2007); Genio del paganesimo (2008); Il bello della bicicletta (2009); Straniero a me stesso. Tutte le mie vite di etnologo (2011), Le nuove paure. Che cosa temiamo oggi? (2013) all published by Bollati Boringhieri.  Il tempo senza età. La vecchiaia non esiste (2014), L’antropologo e il mondo globale (2014) published by Raffaello Cortina; La forza delle immagini (con Umberto Eco e Didi-Huberman Georges, 2015) by Franco Angeli.

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